The new zone of Ravenfell is now open. Players will find that the pirate camps and the old harbour will offer new adventures for everyone from level 45-50. Ravenfell constitutes the coastal region in the east of the continent. You can reach Ravenfell by taking the road north east from Varanas. This area is characterised by its gently shelving beaches, sand dunes and palm groves. The coastal location made Ravenfell for a long time one of the most important regions for trade and already from early times, the Eye of Wisdom had established a trading post there, named Shahar Harbour.
Just be very cautious! There are ghosts and monsters in that pirate cave!

With this patch we add a new minigame to Runes of Magic, Windrunner Race. To register for a race, talk to Michelle Lang in Varanas and for only a handful of Phirius Tokens she'll transport all eight participants to the races. To ensure fair play, all participants will get a NPC horse. And to make things interesting there are special abilities that can be gathered on the racetrack to either give you a boost or to use against your opponents.

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