Aeria Games announced that the closed beta of Shin Megami Tensei Online: Imagine has started. Players who were accepted to the Closed Beta can check your mailbox for the notification emails from Aeria Games. Later this week, Aeria Games will be sending lots mroe invitations out.
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online is a free to play MMORPG. Convince, seduce, and intimidate Demons to fight along your side. Discover all 200 of them! Personalize your character's wardrobe in thousands of ways. Fight alongside your friends using a real-time combat strategic combat system. Choose to slash swords, shoot guns, and cast magic spells.
English-speaking fans of the Atlus Co., Ltd owned Shin Megami Tensei series (Persona, Digital Devil Saga, among others) are encouraged to register in order to preview the game before it is made available to all members of the public.
Status: Closed Beta
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